Worldcoin’s Extended Suspension in Spain Amid GDPR Audit

Worldcoin’s proof-of-humanity project will remain inactive in Spain through the end of 2024, or until an ongoing audit is finalized. This decision, announced recently, follows scrutiny by German regulators evaluating the project's adherence to the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Voluntary Suspension Extension

Worldcoin, represented by Tools for Humanity, has voluntarily chosen to prolong the suspension of its operations in Spain. This move is part of an effort to address and comply with regulatory concerns raised by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) and the Bavarian Data Protection Authority (BayLDA).

Background and Regulatory Challenges

In March, the AEPD initially halted Worldcoin’s operations in Spain due to data protection concerns. The AEPD recently reaffirmed that Tools for Humanity has committed to suspending operations until year-end or until the BayLDA concludes its audit and provides a final decision on the company's data handling practices.

Understanding Worldcoin’s Project

Worldcoin, co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, aims to create a system where individuals can verify their humanity through a digital identity known as World ID. Participants receive WLD tokens as an incentive for scanning their eyeballs with a Worldcoin orb. This system is designed to distinguish humans from AI-powered entities, becoming increasingly crucial as AI technology proliferates.

Measures Taken for Data Privacy

To address privacy concerns, Tools for Humanity has implemented several measures:

  • Personal Custody Initiative: Launched in March, this initiative prevents new sign-ups from having their biometric data stored and encrypted.
  • Data Deletion Requests: Existing users can request the deletion of their biometric "iris code" data.
  • Age Restrictions: Measures have been put in place to prevent individuals under 18 from signing up.

Public Support and Future Prospects

Despite regulatory hurdles, Worldcoin enjoys substantial support from the public in Spain. A survey revealed that over 80% of 21,000 respondents believe technologies like World ID are essential for distinguishing humans from bots online. Nearly 90% support the project’s return to Spain.

Thomas Scott, Chief Legal Officer of Tools for Humanity, noted, “It’s encouraging to see strong user support in Spain. However, we have voluntarily extended our pause to ensure we fully comply with regulatory requirements.”


Worldcoin’s extended suspension highlights its dedication to regulatory compliance and data protection. The outcome of the BayLDA’s GDPR audit will be crucial in determining the project’s future operations in Spain and beyond. As Worldcoin continues to address data privacy issues, its role in the evolving digital identity landscape remains significant.

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